Accommodating Students with Special Needs


Accommodating Students with Special Needs

(BA Sport Coaching 4)

Author: Business Academy

This learning unit will equip candidates with an understanding of issues relating to athletes with a disability, as well as their own values and coaching practices in relation to such athletes. It will contribute to normalising South African society and result in an environment that better reflects the diversity of South Africa and expand on the capacity to handle such diversity. 

Course objectives:
  • Define a wide spectrum of physical and intellectual disabilities.
Course objectives:
  • Describe the social and economic factors contributing to the prevalence of disability in South Africa.
Course objectives:
  • Identify the philosophy underpinning South African legislation and policy relating to people who have a disability.
Course objectives:
  • Reflect on practices in South African workplaces and identify the underlying values relating to people who have a disability.
Course objectives:
  • Describe the implications for management and coaching practices when dealing with people who have a disability.