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Facilitating a Learning Programme


Price: R 1,250.00

Facilitating a Learning Programme

(BA Early Childhood Development 4)

Author: Business Academy

Price: R 1,250.00

Purpose: The focus of the learning in this workplace-based unit is on providing participants an opportunity to plan and prepare for the facilitation and mediation of indoor and outdoor play, and adult-directed and child-initiated activities, including routines.in a real-time setting.

What you will learn:

The learning will enable participants to demonstrate an understanding of the following over a period of 2 months:

  • Facilitate and mediate all aspects of the daily programme, including routines, under supervision
    • Set up a play area or play activities
    • Facilitate outdoor play, including sand, water and movement exploration
    • Facilitate indoor play, including creative art, free play, imaginative and fantasy play, books, educational games and construction blocks or play
    • Facilitate different kinds of adult-directed activities, including discussion ring, movement, music, drama story, special occasion or cultural celebrations
    • Facilitate different kinds of routines, including transition times, arrival and departure, meal times, toilet and hand-washing, and rest routines
    • Different kinds of child-initiated activities are prepared, including outdoor/indoor play, creative art, free play, imaginative and fantasy play, books, educational games and construction blocks or play
    • Reflect on and review own role in planning, preparing, recording, facilitating and mediating learning activities


This programme has been aligned to registered unit standards. You will be assessed against the outcomes of the unit standards by completing a knowledge assignment that covers the essential embedded knowledge stipulated in the unit standards. When you are assessed as competent against the unit standards, you will receive a certificate of competence and be awarded 12 credits towards a National Qualification.

Course objectives:
  • WM-02-WE01: Facilitate and mediate all aspects of the daily programme, including routines, under supervision, for a period of 2 months. ?