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Building Relationships with Stakeholders


Price: R 1,250.00

Building Relationships with Stakeholders

(BA Early Childhood Development 4)

Author: Business Academy

Price: R 1,250.00

Purpose: The focus of the learning in this practical unit is on providing participants an opportunity to identify, establish and maintain a respectful, caring and professional partnership with parents and support structures that play a critical and positive role in the care and education of children.

What you will learn:

The learning will enable participants to demonstrate an understanding of the following over a period of 2 weeks:

  • PM-05-PS01: Identify and establish partnerships with parents and support structures
    • Create a contact list of local support structures, including government, non-government organisations and community structures
    • Work in partnership with parents/caregivers to provide the best care and education for their children
    • Review own performance in giving advice and support to parents/caregivers to improve interaction

Course objectives:
  • PM-05-PS01: Identify and establish partnerships with parents and support structures