Coaching Beginners in Rugby 


Coaching Beginners in Rugby 

(BA Sport Coaching 4)

Author: Business Academy

Candidates found competent in this learning unit, and in combination with sport-specific expertise, will be able to coach rugby at an introductory level. The candidate may work under the supervision of a senior coach, as part of a multi-disciplinary team but will also be able to work unsupervised, at community level and in schools. The candidate should, on completion,  display the competency required of a rugby coach with a primary focus on activities that lead to the game of rugby, in areas where the facilities may need to be adapted.

The subfield will benefit by having a coach with the correct, industry-standardised knowledge and skills to be teaching the basic skills of rugby to beginners of the sport to generate interest and encourage new entrants to the game. The candidate should be able to explain the basic components of rugby, show understanding of the principles of the sport and be able to demonstrate the skills needed by beginners to the game of rugby, using mini games and adapted games as entry points into the game (15-man and 7's).

Course objectives:
  • Describe the history and sociology of the game of rugby.
Course objectives:
  • Explain the safety requirements of rugby.
Course objectives:
  • Explain the basic laws governing the game of rugby.
Course objectives:
  • Plan and write up rugby practice sessions.
Course objectives:
  • Conduct basic rugby coaching activities for beginners.